




Nuestro Señor en el Cielo,

Bendice a mi familia, mi preciada base de amor y apoyo. Únenos con los lazos del afecto y la comprensión. Llénanos de compasión tanto en las pruebas como en las alegrías. Concédenos la fuerza para elevarnos unos a otros, para perdonar y abrazar. Que nuestro hogar sea un santuario de paz, donde florezca el amor y abunde la bondad. Protege a mis seres queridos, cercanos y lejanos, en su viaje por la vida. Guía nuestro camino colectivo hacia la bondad, la unidad y la gratitud. En tu divina presencia, encuentro consuelo, y en el abrazo de mi familia, me envuelve el amor.


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The Western Wall gave my brother his life back. My brother was a combat soldier in the US Armed Forces, until he got severely injured during a military operation. We didn’t know whether he would be able to lead a normal life, let alone return to his lifestyle. I was extremely anxious for my brother's future. I heard from a friend about the salvation that can be found at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, a place where God listens to your prayers. He also told me about the tradition of writing down prayers and placing them between the Wall's stones. I couldn’t travel anywhere at the time because my brother needed me, and so I sent my prayer through this website. A month and a half later, my brother returned to his military service, stronger than ever. This absolutely changed his life! I urge you to do the same if you are in need of salvation.

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