




Nuestro Señor en el Cielo,

Me presento ante ti, agobiado por mis transgresiones, buscando arrepentimiento y renovación. Confieso mis defectos y errores, asumiéndolos con un corazón contrito. Concédeme la fuerza para alejarme de las malas acciones, para elegir el camino de la rectitud. Que tu gracia guíe mis acciones, transformándome en un vaso de compasión y bondad. Ayúdame a crecer en autoconciencia y comprensión, para que pueda esforzarme continuamente por alinear mi vida con tu voluntad divina. Con sinceridad y humildad, me arrepiento y busco tu guía en este viaje de superación personal y crecimiento espiritual.


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The Western Wall gave my brother his life back. My brother was a combat soldier in the US Armed Forces, until he got severely injured during a military operation. We didn’t know whether he would be able to lead a normal life, let alone return to his lifestyle. I was extremely anxious for my brother's future. I heard from a friend about the salvation that can be found at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, a place where God listens to your prayers. He also told me about the tradition of writing down prayers and placing them between the Wall's stones. I couldn’t travel anywhere at the time because my brother needed me, and so I sent my prayer through this website. A month and a half later, my brother returned to his military service, stronger than ever. This absolutely changed his life! I urge you to do the same if you are in need of salvation.

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